{{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }} {{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.copy_link' | translate }}

{{ 'in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }}

~來自香港~ 全球電器免運現在連北歐都提供送上門服務.

澳洲,英國,紐西蘭,馬來西亞,新加坡, 送!!!! 上門

現在挪威, 法國, 德國, 瑞士, 瑞典, 荷蘭, 意大利 我們都有直郵直送上門了

~來自香港~ 全球電器免運現在連北歐都提供送上門服務.

澳洲,英國,紐西蘭,馬來西亞,新加坡, 送!!!! 上門

現在挪威, 法國, 德國, 瑞士, 瑞典, 荷蘭, 意大利 我們都有直郵直送上門了

~來自香港~ 全球電器免運現在連北歐都提供送上門服務.

{{ (item.variation.media ? item.variation.media.alt_translations : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel }} {{ (item.variation.media
                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
{{ 'product.bundled_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.bundle_group_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.buyandget.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.gift.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{ field.name_translations | translateModel }}
  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

{{ 'product.set.open_variation' | translate }}
  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

{{item.quantity}}x HK$0 {{ item.unit_point }} 點
{{addonItem.product.cover_media.alt_translations | translateModel}}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{addonItem.quantity}}x {{ mainConfig.merchantData.base_currency.alternate_symbol + "0" }}


ANTIC, www.antichk.com, PRIVACY POLICY

Original Effective Date:October 19, 2015.
Last updated: August 16, 2021.

Your privacy is animportant factor that ANTIC, www.antichk.com (hereinafter collectively referredto as “ANTIC”) considers in the development of our Site. As such, we arecommitted to being transparent and open. This Privacy Policy explains generallyhow we receive information about our customers, and what we do with thatinformation once we have it.



We may collect differenttypes of personal and other information based on your use of our products andservices.

Some examples include:

·      Contact Information thatallows us to communicate with you — including your name, address, and e-mailaddress;

·      Equipment, Performance,Site and/or App Usage, Viewing and other Technical Information about your useof our network, services,        products or websites.

We collect information intwo primary ways:

·      You give it to us whenyou login with your Facebook credential;

·      We collect itautomatically when you visit our websites or use our products and services.

We may use theinformation we collect in a variety of ways, including:

·      Providing you with thebest user experience possible;

·      Providing the servicesyou use, and to respond to your questions;

·      Communicating with youregarding service updates, offers, and promotions;

·      Delivering customizedcontent that may be of interest to you;

·      Addressing networkintegrity and security issues;

·      Investigating, preventingor taking action regarding illegal activities, violations of our UserAgreement.


ANTIC, www.antichk.com, SECURITY

No data transmissionsover the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100 % secure. Consequently, we cannotensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and youunderstand that any information that you transfer to ANTIC done at your own risk.However, ANTIC uses website security measures consistent with current bestpractices to protect its website, email and mailing lists. These measuresinclude technical, procedural, monitoring, encryption and tracking stepsintended to safeguard data from misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure,loss, alteration or destruction.

We realize there can beincidents of misuse or unauthorized program incursions, as almost everywebsite, service and user encounters. In those instances, our goals are to movequickly to isolate the problem, ensure or restore proper functionality andminimize any inconvenience to our customers. As appropriate and necessary,Interfocus will notify the relevant authorities of these incidents of misuse orunauthorized program incursions of the Interfocus website.


Privacy Rights

ANTIC will not sell orshare your personal information with non-ANTIC companies for their directmarketing purposes without your consent. Customers who wish to request furtherinformation about our compliance with this law or have questions or concernsabout our privacy practices and policies may contact us as specified in the“How to Contact Us” section below.



ANTIC hereby reserves itright to modify/amend or otherwise change this privacy policy, as it deemsnecessary or appropriate because of legal compliance requirements or changes inANTIC’ business practices. If you have provided us with an email address, wewill endeavor to notify you, by email to that address, of any material changeto how we will use personally identifiable information.



ANTICHK will not use all the personal data on any promotion again. Guests can ask ANTICHK to cancel his personal data at any time. When we receive a notification from a guest. Regardless of the notification, we will remove all personal information about you from our system.


Please feel free to 

Email US: support@antichk.com. 

FACEBOOK MESSENGERUS : Http://m.me/antic.women

WHatsapp US: Http://wa.me/85292238363

ANTICHK will delete all your date from our database in 24 hours. 


If you have any questionsor comments about this Notice or if you would like us to update information wehave about you or help you adjust your preferences, please contact us by emailat support@antichk.com